Getting Started

Getting started with the IQ RestAPI requires nothing more than some skill with a programming language, like C# or JavaScript, and a modern web browser.


Firstly, you will need to obtain the required credentials from Motif Markets. These are used to negotiate with our OpenIDConnect/OAuth 2.0 authorization service called Passport, which will translate your credentials into a limited-time token for logging into Motif Markets services including IQ RestAPI.

Once you have obtained a token, it will need to be passed to IQ RestAPI on each HTTP request. This ensures that only valid users can retrieve data, and that the data is applicable to that user.

Be aware that OAuth access tokens can and do expire, so a fully featured client will need to handle this situation and automatically refresh using the OAuth refresh token.

Transport Scheme

To ensure the proper security of your data, we strongly suggest that all requests/responses use the HTTPS scheme on port 443.

Retrieving Data

The IQ RestAPI runs on top of our Zenith service. Zenith provides realtime access to market data and trading services. When you request data from IQ RestAPI you will be returned a snapshot of that data at that moment in time. If you require a streaming data solution then we have other services available to cater for that.